My name is Dare Harcourt. I was born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee. I attended Ole Miss and graduated with a BS in Communicative Sciences and Disorders. After graduation, I went through some serious health issues. During this time, I began to paint as a way to work through those issues. I fell in love with painting with my first stroke. My passion for art started from a place of healing and blossomed into a love that brings me immense joy. After realizing my passion for art, I decided to go back to school and received my Masters in Art Education at Memphis College of Art. I am currently an artist living in Memphis. Each painting of mine is made with love. There is an unmeasurable amount of joy that I get when I create a painting. Each piece is filled with love, hope, and brings a peaceful feeling that I hope translates to the viewer. I hope you enjoy my paintings as much as I enjoyed making them - Dare